Madeleine Kuijper Madeleine Kuijper

The Netherlands, Amsterdam   Madeleine Kuijper Illustraties
Illustration to the famous ´nonsense´ poem by Edward Lear (1871) and set to music by Igor Strawinsky. Pendrawing, background in Photoshop.
Pendrawing, digitally colored
Pendrawing, digitally colored. An old story in a new interpretation: Argus has been commanded to watch over Io, and is prying around with his hundred eyes.
A pendrawing of a wandering Justitia
A pendrawing of a wandering Justitia, coverpage of the Dutch magazine for Legal practitioners. The edition was handed out to visitors and contributors of a symposium on reopening closed criminal cases, of the Dutch High Court in The Hague, June 2016.
Fragment of one scene out of four
Fragment of one scene out of four, representing the medieval Plaguedoctor. The image won a Wellcome Images Award in March ´17, an event organised by the Wellcome Trust London, to reward outstanding images in the medical field and promote medical science.

About me

My style can be characterized by the use of intricate details, mostly executed in pen but I also produce aquarels, work as a printmaker and create mixed-media artwork. My work was published in various magazines, was recently exhibited at the Central Library of Amsterdam, and in March 2017 my image of the Plaguedoctor was given a Wellcome Images Award by The Wellcome Trust in Londen. Please visit my website or Instagram/twitter-galleries for more!

genre : Fiction, Newspaper & Magazine, Caricature

technique : Mixed Media, Pen & Ink