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Part of Storyboard ‘Het vette goud’

genre : Animation

technique: Color Pencil, Digital-Pixel

Hi, my name is Charis Stephanie and I illustrate and animate. I call myself a conceptual illustrator, because I am specialized in visualizing ideas. I like to tell visual stories with editorial illustrations for newspapers and magazines, but I also work as a concept artist for movies, series, fashion and books. Do you have an idea but don't know how to illustrate it? Let's drink a coffee and see how I can help.    

Other artwork by Charis Stephanie Bakker:

Part of Storyboard 'Het vette goud'

Part of Storyboard 'Het vette goud'

Part of Storyboard 'Het vette goud'

Part of Storyboard 'Het vette goud'

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