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EBERHARDjes! Thé biscuit of amsterdam

Client: Stichting Eberhard voor Amsterdam Theme illustration: Thé biscuit of Amsterdam and Take care of the city and eachother. Application: Greetingcard for crowdfund    

genre : Advertising, Infographic, Newspaper & Magazine, Printed Media, Website

technique: Digital-Vector

Hello! Angeliek Caelen runs her own studio called Steam Waverz. She makes illustrations in which the image clearly communicates the client's message. This can be an image that clarifies the text at a glance and thus increases the impact of the text. Or an image that communicates the right look and feel of a brand. In addition to creating an aesthetic image, Angeliek is adept at working from a concept. Don't hesitate to get in touch. We are happy to assist you. Some clients: Holtkamp Horeca, EBERHARDjes, KoffieTCacao, EP&C patent attorneys, Leonardo Hotels Dresden.

Other artwork by Angeliek Caelen:

EBERHARDjes! Thé biscuit of amsterdam

EBERHARDjes! Thé biscuit of amsterdam

EBERHARDjes! Thé biscuit of amsterdam

EBERHARDjes! Thé biscuit of amsterdam

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