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Illustrated map Dutch Film Festival

This drawn map was made for the NFF in Utrecht. It was printed in a supplement of the Volkskrant and was shown on a three by three meters print at the festival grounds.

genre : Newspaper & Magazine, Printed Media

technique: Digital-Pixel, Digital-Vector, Pen & Ink

The illustrated map for the Dutch Film Festival, a strip cartoon about intangible heritage, an infographic - mindmap for Prorail, illustrations for Dutch newspapers, a business drawing for a Year plan or a print collection for a girls' clothing label. 

Studio BLiQ was established in 1999. Since then I have been working with great enthusiasm on a wide range of projects .

Margôt Melissen+ 31 6 440 58 307

Other artwork by Studio BliQ - Margot Melissen:

Illustrated map Dutch Film Festival

Illustrated map Dutch Film Festival

Illustrated map Dutch Film Festival

Illustrated map Dutch Film Festival

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